What went right and what went wrong, during the 2hrs 34Min's and 50seconds that was my Xterra Portugal? And more importantly, how can I build on the good bits and prevent the bad bits, ready for Xterra Italy at the end of May?
Well all in all I'm quite happy with my race. The swim went as id planned, "tick!"
Transitions were smooth, "tick!" Felt below par on the bike, "OK?" Fell off the bike, "oh bugger!", damaged the bike resulting in a rubbing wheel for the second half, "oh no.." , Ran strong and felt good, "tick" Kept a good head throughout disbite bike trouble and finished 15th "tick-a-tee-boo"
What's this all mean then....
1,I need to up my game on the bike, simple as that!
More control under pressure over technical ground is required and will be achieved by faster and harder riding during as many cross country mountain bike races that i can feasibly get my soon to be skinny ass into between now and the next xterra race and between each one after that! I will train through most of the events as easing back before will have to much of a knock-on effect on the other discipline's.
2,I swam to where id planned for this time in the season. Im planning to be out of the water alot quicker than that at the next event, so my weekly meterage is going back up as i chase that illusive 20minute split.
3,Use my strength to turn a profit! With half Ironman races aka 70.3's paying out big prize money for the first 10 over the line. I'm not only going to dip my toe's but wheels and heals too and have a crack at a couple during the weeks between my European Xterra's. The swim is only about 5.30-6minutes longer and the bike is couple of hours of big gear mashing, my sort of riding... OK so the runs a road half marathon,,,,but I have banked 1000km+ of running over winter and felt good to the line in Portugal, so lets see what happens in Barcelona.
But for now its, train up to and through the first round of the Midlands XC mountain bike series this Sunday. Stay healthily, stay focused and the coffee and training should take care of the rest..........