Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Not exactly on track...
The Midlands XC race on Sunday started well enough, but all chances of a top placing were skuppered when my front tire blew off the rim, as I was dropping into one of the courses steep sections. The resulting crash not only took me out of contention for a top 5 placing, but also made it hard work to finish altogether. After a servere winding and quite littrally eating the dust, I never really got back on track until the last of the 5 laps. (this shows in the results)
"Just about getting it right on the last lap"
The post race merryment and Mcdonalds with the boys and a evening with Suze hid any lasting marks the crash had left for the rest of the day. But monday morning when I woke to a stiff neck, I had to take the day off from training... Feeling somewhat better today, I swam this morning but as soon as I put any efforts in above 70% the neck mussles still arnt up to the job.
So it looks like todays efforts on the bike are on hold, much like the plane tickets im itching to book for Barcelona and Italy. I guess sometimes it takes more than enthusiasm and hardwork to stay on track.........................