Powerman Luxembourg last week may not have given me the result that I'd hoped for, but its certainly fired me up!
Well then, counting up?
Firstly, the cost of doing all this racing during 2009 is taking some counting up. Secondly, the amount of emails I've sent out, and phone calls that I've made in the last few days with regards to getting some support and money together to keep me on track. Finally, today I've installed a visitor counter to the site! This will provide me with some statistics, which I can also pass on to my sponsors about traffic using the site.
And counting down?
Round 1 of the Quadrathlon World Cup is now only 7days away. Already confirmed to start are 4 times Olympic kayaker Juan Manuel Sánchez, and last year's World Quadrathlon Championship 5th place finisher Leos Ronsavy. Personally I'm glad, as big names not only make for a better race, but they help boost the prize money!