The writing is clear on the bathroom wall...

After the manic months of city life...

Then the tranquillity of working from home...

Trying to hold onto racing when my heart just wasn’t really in it anymore

And enjoying doing the things I haven’t done in a while

A recent trip and a change of routine have given a new perspective on what’s important to me now. Realizing the things I miss in life and truly can’t function without, what holds most importance at this stage, it was a great chance to think about where things are going, after all no one gets any younger.
For all of us the quest for ultimate happiness is a long one and some times it becomes a goal that simply can’t ever truly be reached. But for now it serves perfectly as something to aim at. After all, if winning, money or power are your only priority, then I guess you are largely missing the point. “The journey often out weights the destination” There is a massive world out there and its not just one for looking at. Why partake in artificial stimulation, when the real deal is sat there for the taking.

Several months ago, I started my trail centre project, ride all the UK trail centre loops or “red runs” in one year!!!
Well it’s, gone fairly well so far with 14 already done, during the last 5months and plenty more lined up for the next few weeks.

Riding these trails has been putting a massive smile on my face and has been a far cry from the pain and pressure, I felt whenever ive ridden a bike before. Also with relocation to the hills, my riding style has changed massively. The flat bars, shaven legs and energy gels, have been replaced with long travel folks, baggy shorts, tea and cake. The term “all mountain” is normally used to describe a bike with a “go anywhere and do anything attitude”, more fitting perhaps to the type of rider I have recently become, rather than the bike I now ride.
So with a new attitude both on and off the bike, it feels like life is rolling along quite well at the minute. I know this post has been a long time coming, (well for those that read it. Maybe no does and it’s just a lost page in cyberspace???) But to be honest, recently I been living in it rather than, writing about it……………………