After a long week of late night, mega miles driven and less than 3hrs of exercise. I had no idea if I would even be able to start the Mud & Mayhem duathlon this morning...........

once id got the banners and flags up and the car park had began to fill, I could feel the event callin out to me " macca,,, Macca,,, MACCA, Come out to play!!!"
As i sit here tonight in my board shorts and tee, still hot from the bath, the cuts and scratches on my legs sting, the bruise on my thigh hurts and together they all remind me what Ive been missing. I'm sure walking down the stairs tomorrow morning will be the icing on this slice of post race cake.... Hummm and how beautiful it tastes,,,,,,
Today's result isn't even that important, yes a podium is nice place to be, yes 2nd is one step from victory. But for me, it is all about how I got there and how I felt about it and more importantly how I feel about it now..
The first 5k run was a baptism of fire,to not only the lungs and legs but also the brain. Having not ran at pace since a random track session early last month, coming into T1 in 5th was a way better position than Id thought possible.
A swift transition and an effort to keep my cool it was on with my new Bloc shades and time to see if id got anything to give during the bike.....

I took a solid position in the saddle, remained calm and used a combination of skill and power, rather than my usual explosive anger, to real in the guys in front... Disbite a tumble in the second section of single track, I kept my head and worked up to the front of the field.
Leading out of T2 felt great, "I not going to lie to you, I was buzzin,,,HARD!" 400meters further down the course and my body reminded me, that im not in any kind of condition to race flat out to the line (ATM).
Even wearing the Worlds number one multi functional headwear, didn't stop me losing my cool, when super road duathleite, turned off road specialist: Jez Cox, came a hunting for his first win of 2010. Within another few 100meters he was past and gone...
A few desperate looks over my shoulders and digging alot deeper than I have had to in a long time, the last 3km's seemed to go on forever. Finally i crossed the line,,,and in 2nd!

So for now, im going to enjoy my new trophy and bask in the phrase
"your only as good as your last race.."