Sunday, 31 October 2010

Taking your time.........

"Do nothing in haste, look well to each step, and from the beginning think what may be the end"
Edward Whymper

Although I didn't make the first ascent of the Matterhorn and wasn't around in 1865, Whymper famous quote from back then is something Ive excepted to be a way of life, both on and off of the hills and mountains.
In the picture above, id just reached the summit of Mount Kinabalu (13,435 ft) after a steady couple of days climbing with a night on route for acclimatization.Something of an overkill some may think?
Although this is nothing more technical than simply a very high treking peak and many people of solid physical condition and good mental attitude make the top year on year.

But given its high altitude, also it See's its number of failures too. Suffering from altitude sickness is common and as breathing and any further movement becomes increasingly difficult many are forced to return to the bottom never to reach the summit. When alittle patients and knowledge may have seen them up there!
Pic from Mount Kinabalu's start point

Whympers full quote reads,
There have been joys too great to be described in words, and there have been griefs upon which I have not dared to dwell; and with these in mind I say: Climb if you will, but remember that courage and strength are nought without prudence, and that a momentary negligence may destroy the happiness of a lifetime. Do nothing in haste; look well to each step; and from the beginning think what may be the end.

So essentially to me Whymper hit the nail on the head all those years ago,
"Its totally worth it man, but just take your time hey or you may come unstuck. Be patient and then enjoy!!!"
Thats my take on it and something id say 11days ago I forgot and since then have heard those wise words ringing in my ears.....

Well with my back feeling like its finally on the mend, it shouldn't be too long before I'm given a second chance, something not everyone is always lucky enough to receive.

Be careful out there.................
