Feet in the clouds: Is a story of the hill running hero's past and present in UK. Tough guys in tough conditions.
Its not about the bike: Its about coming back from near death and winning the hardest cycle race on the planet, juiced or not, Armstrong takes you somewhere very special.
Touching the void: Joe Simpson was left at the bottom of a crevasse in the middle of the Peruvian Andes but wasn't going to just lay down and die, broken tibia or not.
Born to run: An incite into the world of ultra running and showing bare foot running don't just stop with Zola Budd. (still to be finished)

A few guys id avoid second time around...............
In Road to Deca, Bob Brown takes on the longest triathlon in the world, but his adhoc training and endless nights of drink leave him relying on 50+ Ibuprofen to finally get through the event. A fun runner with a bike and wetsuit or true endurance athlete, you decide...........
Dean Karnazes, ordering pizza on your mobile during a 250mile run, isn't cool, don't turn what is a beautiful sport, into a freak show, dude....
Between a rock and a hard place is a super sad tail of obsessive outdoorsman, Aron Ralston who ends up cutting off his own arm with a multi tool after his entrapment in Blue John Canyon in the Utah desert. After reading his book its surprising this Lara Croft wannabe even made it as far as the Canyon in the first place. Extreme/Gripped/Sorted/miss it.