Loading my swim bag this morning and sipping my wake up juice, my mind started to wonder..........................................
Last weekend I lay in a muddy field in the mountains of Slovakia having pushed myself almost over the edge, I felt like the only person on earth.
But the truth is, I wasn't alone in that world. People both there and at home had been competing with themselves and the event they had began that same morning, overcoming there own personal challenges.... Now with races selling out at record rates, over every conceivable distance, start fee's going into the £100's, it looks like people are real looking for the extreme in what they set out for themselves! What used to be a local 5km fun run on a typical CV of life is turning into a world of Ironmen and women. But why??????
The more you are challenged in your life, the more you learn about what your really made of. If you never had to face any kind of situation that tested you, you would never know just where your weakness lays and where you need to make improvements. Or in fact, where you are already strong enough. These challenges help to build your all around character. Some would even say this is what you need if you really want to be able to experience a life that is considered to be a success.
"The hard times in our lives help us to appreciate and show gratitude when things are more easy going, so there is something to be grateful for even if the challenges make us feel the opposite sometimes." anon

Right now for me its about getting out and enjoying the sun while it still lasts and finding some challenging terrain to keep me on my toes...