Athletes live a life straddling the fine line between health and illness being conditioned or injured, buzzing hard or snoozing during the day……..
Quote:"The world is a dangerous place, and all living things need a way to protect themselves from outside invaders."
Yesterday I was attacked and taken down....
No its not another angry swimmer story or cyclist road rage victim case. But something alot more sneaky, it was the tiniest of silent invaders, more specifically...... a germ!
Something got through my immune system and in no time, effortlessly took me away from my big talk of Black Park XC races and onto thoughts of vit c and over the counter remedies.
I don't know how it got there, i didnt see it comming. how could I? when we make contact with 1000's of micro bugs every day. Most don't get past the top layer of skin (your first line of defence). for the germs that do penatrate that, the body has its own microscopic army, to give it to them in your honor. This army is made up of white blood cells that "ingest" the germs, kind of converting them to your side, think Darth Vader, switching to the dark side of the force. So with that said (and my human inturnal science knowledge totally exhusted) I thought I was safe.
As many of you know, I earn my money teaching children to swim at local pools. On average 300 of the little darlings each week all have a chance to cough, sneeze and spilt in my genral direction, with no thought for my health or comming season, God bless um.
In an effort to counteract this under aged onslught, I try to follow these universal guidelines to take care of my immune system:
1, Keep hands clean:
Washing my hands more times each day than you can shake a stick. This kills off flu or stomach viruses that have gotten on to the hands though touching door handles, toliets and other people.. (the places you are most likley to "pick up" germs from.)
2, Eat well:
Making sure vitamin intake is high with plenty of vitamin C to help fight off colds and infections. “Trying to hit the greengrocers and not Mcd’s so offten these days”
3, Keep warm:
It sounds stupid but dressing appropriately for the weather to maintain the right body temperature thoughout the day can really make a difference, something overlooked by many, how mainy exposed lower backs do you see each day from people bending down during winter?. Post training is a biggy for me, its too easy to go for the kettle instead of a warm/dry top, after a long winter ride!
4, Get your hours in bed:
Sleep plays a massive part in your health, so I try and get a good sleep every night, & during the day if doubling/tripling up on training.
5,Keep it handy:
Over the counter remedies such as paracetamol are ready at home to nip bugs in the bud before they take you down big time. As well as Vit c and multi Vit's.
I don't know where I got this bug or if I can shake it in time for Sundays race? (doubtfull) but for me right now, today is about rebuilding me heath and staying positive, ready to tackle next weeks training........... I guess you could say, the forth disapline in Xterra is blancing your health and keeping as clean as possible...............

Something I may have let go in the past..........